PROFILTAir WaterFiltration
Presentation Applications Products Approved Distributors Contact


  Procart M

  Proflo +





  Protecpel AQ



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PROTECNET is specially designed to attract dust particles in the air. Surfaces treated with PROTECNET turn into a dust magnet. PROTECNET is effective against air pollution.

PROTECNET should be applied to dust emission points and wherever dust is a problem :

- mainly inside spray booths where air movement causes dust particles to rise from vehicle interiors as well as from the interior walls and floors of the spray booths.
- Scrap areas, grinding shops, storage areas of powder products, furnaces, hopper emptying etc...


For more informations, download pdf file PDF

PROFILT - ZI Kermelin-Nord - 56890 Saint-Avé - France - Tél : 00 (33) 297 606 833 - Fax : 00 (33) 297 445 245 -